Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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allergy a reaction of your body to some substance that causes the feeling of illness. Common allergies are to animal hair, dust, pollen, and certain foods such as nuts.
bacteria microscopic organisms that often play a role in the decay of living things, the process of fermentation, and sometimes in causing disease.
breakfast the first meal of the day, which people usually eat in the morning.
bucket an open container with round sides, a flat bottom, and a curved handle at the top.
corner the place where two roads meet.
crumb a tiny piece that breaks or falls from bread or other food.
dairy a business that makes and sells milk, butter, and cheese.
engine a machine that uses energy from a source such as gasoline or electricity to do work.
flame the hot, bright gas that you see when something burns.
mail letters, packages, and other things sent and received through an official system.
patrol the act of guarding by making regular trips through.
pen a long, thin tool used for writing or drawing in ink.
rough not smooth.
sap the liquid that carries nutrients and water to all parts of a plant.
towel a piece of soft cloth or paper used to dry the face, body, dishes, or other things.