Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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advocacy the giving of support to an idea, person, or cause.
audible heard or able to be heard.
bureaucracy an organized group of hired officials, especially governmental.
cleave1 to adhere tightly; stick fast (usually followed by "to").
continuity the quality or state of having no breaks or interruptions.
encrusted covered with a hard or crisp layer of something.
enthusiastic having or showing great interest.
indication anything that indicates, such as a sign.
innovator one who proposes or implements new methods, ideas, products, and the like.
legitimate allowed by the law or by rules; legal.
penetrate to pierce or go into or through.
rejection the act of refusing to accept, take, or believe.
rejoice to be full of joy or show great pleasure (sometimes followed by "in").
scandal a reported behavior or event that is illegal or considered morally wrong and which causes strongly negative public reaction.
technique the particular method or way of doing or performing something.