Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bookcase a set of shelves for holding books.
bud a swelling on a plant that can grow into new parts, such as leaves or a flower.
city a large and important town where many people live and work.
draw to make a picture with a pen, pencil, or other writing tool.
fat having too much weight.
locker a small metal cabinet that can be locked. It is used to keep clothes and personal things.
plow a heavy farm tool pulled by a tractor or animal, used to open the ground for planting.
ranch a large farm where cattle, horses, or sheep are raised. There are many ranches in the plains of the United States.
sailor a member of the navy who works aboard a ship.
shady in the shade.
shore the land beside an ocean, sea, lake, or river.
suddenly without warning, often causing surprise or fear.
system a group of things or parts that work together as a whole.
tail a part of an animal's body that sticks out from the back end.
tell to express in spoken or written words.