Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accusation a statement that another person is guilty of a crime or error.
defect a weakness, flaw, or bad quality.
donor one who gives or contributes something without expecting anything in return.
extract a strong, concentrated form of a substance.
gala a happy celebration, especially a large, elaborate one.
hardheaded not easily moved, manipulated, or duped; shrewd; pragmatic.
mourn to feel or act very sad because of a death or great loss; grieve.
opt to decide; choose (usually followed by "for" or an infinitive).
oversee to watch over and direct (others or their work); supervise.
perceive to become aware of through the senses.
restrict to keep within limits.
salvation the act of saving or being saved from sin or evil, or the condition of being saved.
tolerate to allow or accept; not oppose or attack.
valve a device that controls the flow of a liquid or gas through a pipe or tube.
virtual not actually being true or real, but seeming to be, or having the same result as if true or real.