Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abridge to make shorter.
allusive abounding in or characterized by indirect references to culture, history, or other works of art, which are to be recognized or understood by the audience.
bombast boastful, pompous, or otherwise overblown utterances.
breach an act of breaking a law or promise.
delude to cause to hold a false belief; mislead; deceive.
depersonalize to cause to lose individual identity or characteristics.
embalm to treat (a corpse) with preservatives before burial.
engross to take all the attention of; interest fully.
oblivion the state or condition of being entirely forgotten.
personify to be a perfect or typical example of; embody.
raze to knock down or tear down (a structure); level.
rejuvenate to restore the vigor, health, or appearance of youth to.
remittance money that is sent to someone or some place, usually in payment.
subsume to classify, consider, or include (an idea, proposition, or the like) in a more comprehensive or general category or principle.
transmute to change into another form, substance, state, or the like.