Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bawl to cry loudly or strongly; wail.
consumer someone who buys goods or services.
dangle to hang or swing loosely.
delay the act of putting off until a later time.
enforcement the act or process of making people obey a law or rule.
envy a feeling of wanting what someone else has.
gadget a small tool or device with a clever design or unusual use.
humble not proud; modest.
inform to give knowledge to; tell.
limp1 to walk in an uneven, difficult way because of a lame or injured leg or foot.
merit worth or high quality.
mutiny to openly disobey or fight the leaders in charge or a lawful authority.
resemblance the condition of being or looking alike.
veil a thin piece of fabric or net worn over the face, head, or shoulders, or over some combination of these. A veil is used as a decoration or to hide a person's face.
whole having the entire amount or length.