Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abridgment the process or an instance of making shorter or condensing.
bereavement the condition or fact of being deprived of something or someone, especially by the death of a loved one.
extricate to free or release from difficulty, entanglement, or involvement; disengage.
inelegant without taste, grace, or refinement.
laud to praise.
paradox a statement that contradicts or seems to contradict itself, yet often expresses a truth, such as "Less is more".
promulgate to explain or give instruction in (a doctrine) in public; advocate.
scruple a belief about right and wrong that keeps a person from doing something that may be bad.
secular of or concerning the world and material concerns as opposed to religious or spiritual concerns; temporal.
shoddy of low quality; poorly made or carried out.
singular extraordinary or exceptional.
succinct briefly but clearly stated; concise.
unyielding hard; firm; resistant to pressure or force.
vibrant full of energy, life, or constant activity.
visage the face of a person, statue, or the like, especially in regard to its appearance or expression.