Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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administration the people in charge of taking care of or managing something as a group.
aspiration a goal, aim, or ambition.
compensation something given in return for or to make up for something else.
formulation the process or result of clear, methodical development or articulation.
irregular uneven in shape, arrangement, surface, or some other way.
knack a natural talent for something.
literate able to read and write.
oppose to think, act, or be against; resist.
presidential of or relating to the person or office of a president.
restrict to keep within limits.
ritual a set of actions always done in the same way, often because of custom or tradition.
slogan a short phrase used to state a principle or political message or to advertise a product; motto.
toll2 a charge for using a bridge or a road.
unstable likely to change suddenly.
verdict the decision of a judge or jury in a law case.