Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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chemistry the science that studies the form and function of basic elements and their compounds.
concentrate to bring together; focus.
crumple to press or crush and cause wrinkles.
despise to hate or scorn.
detective a person, often a police officer, whose job is to find information that will solve crimes.
era a period of time in history. An era often begins or ends with an important event.
image a picture or some other likeness of a person or thing.
knit to make by knitting.
nominee a person or thing that has been nominated for an office or honor.
operation the act or process of working or running.
pronunciation the act or manner of saying the sounds of words.
role the character played by an actor.
seemingly according to what seems or is perceived; apparently.
totally completely; entirely.
vain not leading to a desirable or lasting effect.