Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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academy a private school or a school that offers special training.
commotion a noisy confusion; disorder.
competition the process or act of trying to win.
conspiracy a secret agreement among two or more people to do something wrong or illegal; plot.
department a separate part of a large organization, such as a government, school, or business.
disrespect rudeness; contempt.
drift the act of being carried away by some force such as the wind or flowing water.
gasoline a liquid that burns, used mainly as fuel for engines. Gasoline is made from petroleum.
grammar the rules for forming the words and sentences of a language. Some of these rules have to be learned. Other rules are already in the head of a native speaker. For example, a native English speaker would not say, "I a cat bitten by was," because the grammar does not make sense. When one learns a new language, most of the rules of its grammar have to be learned.
location place or position.
monument something built in memory of a person, event, or special deed.
perhaps maybe; possibly.
snag a sharp or jagged projection upon which something can be caught or torn.
strict requiring obedience or hard effort.
surface the outside limit or top layer of something.