Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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auditory having to do with or referring to hearing or the sense of hearing.
cognate having a common origin, as languages.
dole to deal out or distribute (food, money, or the like) in small amounts to needy people (usually followed by "out").
erroneous containing or based on a mistake; incorrect.
imperfection a flaw or fault.
incorporate to include as part of a larger thing; blend.
laggard someone or something that falls behind the pace of others.
mire deep, heavy mud or soil.
nemesis that which one cannot beat, conquer, or succeed at; cause or agent of one's often repeated downfall.
pertain to relate to or have to do with something.
recourse that which may be turned to for assistance, protection, or a way out of a difficult situation.
salient extremely noticeable or prominent; conspicuous; important.
troublesome causing anxiety, worry, or bother.
unintelligible not able to be understood, as spoken or written language.
vanquish to subdue or defeat by or as if by greater force; conquer; overcome.