Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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coupon a small, printed slip of paper that gives someone a discount, admission to a performance, or a chance to win a prize.
crate a box for packing and shipping made of wood or other material.
dormitory a building with many bedrooms, often lived in by students. Many colleges have dormitories.
faint weak or slight.
flatter to give too much or false praise; try to please by praising.
gallery a building used to display or sell art.
handshake the gripping of hands between two people when they meet or say good-bye.
jumble to put or throw together in a confused pile.
lug to pull, lift, or carry with a great effort.
monopolize to get or keep sole control of; have for oneself alone; take over.
mound a raised pile; heap.
muddle to cause to be confused; mix up.
shatter to break suddenly into small pieces.
treat to behave toward in a particular way.
ultimately at the farthest or last point in a progression; finally; in the end.