Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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aggression an attack or war against a country started without good cause by another country.
ambiguous having more than one possible meaning.
bond to bind together.
collective of or relating to a group that is composed of individuals but is considered together.
component a part of something.
dimension size as measured in length, width, or depth.
diversion an act or instance of turning aside.
embed to set firmly in some surrounding material.
enforce to put in force; make people obey.
import something that is brought in from another country and usually sold as merchandise.
proclaim to say or state for the public to know.
revisit to visit or go to again, especially with the intent to examine something or to relive an important experience.
spatial of, relating to, or occurring in space.
tenant a person or group that occupies or uses another's house, office, building, or land, especially in exchange for rent.
vector a mathematical expression of direction and magnitude, usually represented by an arrow pointing to the particular direction, with a length proportional to the magnitude.