Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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beautiful very nice to see, hear, or feel.
beg to ask a favor of; to plead for.
bother to annoy or give trouble to.
dive to move down from a high place at high speed, with the head or front part first.
driveway a private road that leads from a street to a building such as a house or garage.
field a wide area of open land.
flock a group of animals or birds of one kind that stay or are kept together.
frown to wrinkle your forehead when you are angry or not happy.
heavy having much weight.
net1 an object made of strong threads or strings that are woven in a way that leaves open spaces between them.
physical of the body.
stir to mix liquids together or move a liquid in a circle using your hand or an object.
subway a train in a city that carries passengers and travels under the ground.
tricky using or marked by tricks or lies.
usually ordinarily or most often; generally; typically.