Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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brink the edge or brim of a slope or cliff.
brittle easily broken.
cube a solid figure with six square faces all the same size.
dual of or having two parts; double.
economic having to do with the money system.
entirely completely; in every way.
gamble to bet money or other things on the way a game, race, or other event will end.
professional a person who has or shows skill in a particular field, especially one who is paid for work in this field.
restate to say or write again or in a different way.
role the character played by an actor.
safari an expedition for watching or hunting large animals.
suburban of or having to do with communities that are near a city and where people who work in the city often live.
tax a sum of money paid to a government, which the government uses to pay for its services to the people and to maintain itself.
union the act of joining together.
vocalist one who sings, especially a professional singer of popular music.