Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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administer to manage, take care of, or be in charge of.
application a way of being used.
buoyant lighthearted or cheerful.
confidence a sense of trust or faith in a person or thing, or in oneself.
defect a weakness, flaw, or bad quality.
disclosure the act or process of making known, uncovering, or exposing.
equitable characterized by fairness; just.
erode to wear away or eat into.
formulation the process or result of clear, methodical development or articulation.
hearth the floor of a fireplace, or the stone or brick area in front of it.
infiltrate to enter into in secret.
invaluable having value too great to guess or measure; priceless.
tempo the speed at which a musical piece is to be played.
utilize to put to a particular use; use.
withhold to hold back; control.