Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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customary usual, habitual, or traditional.
economics the study of how goods and services are produced and distributed.
equate to make or consider to be equal or equivalent.
installation the act of installing or condition of being installed.
interrogate to question at length and in a thorough way, often for an official purpose.
irregular uneven in shape, arrangement, surface, or some other way.
monotonous not interesting because of having to do the same thing over and over.
oral spoken, rather than written; carried out by speaking.
preliminary coming before, so as to prepare for something else.
prestigious highly esteemed.
subsidize to provide financial assistance for; support with money.
torment a state of great suffering of the body or mind.
tuition the charge for being taught at a college or private school.
via traveling through; by way of.
vivid bright and strong.