Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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budget a plan for how much money will be spent and earned during a certain period.
client one who pays for the services of another.
clump a group of things close together.
cluster a small, close group of things that are alike.
delete to remove from a written work.
equip to provide with what is needed to complete a task.
grace beauty or charm in form, style, or motion.
hardware all the physical parts of a computer.
illegal against the law or rules; not lawful.
improve to make better.
nab (informal) to catch or seize; arrest.
slack not tight; hanging loose; drooping.
therapist one who specializes in treating people with psychological, emotional, or social problems.
transaction a piece of business, such as a sale or trade.
virus a tiny organism that can reproduce only in living cells. Viruses cause disease in humans, animals, and plants.