Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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alas a word used to express sadness or disappointment.
amazement wonder; great surprise.
anxiety a feeling of being worried, nervous, or afraid that something will happen.
budge to change or begin to change position slightly.
dread to be very afraid of.
electrician one whose job is to install or repair electrical equipment.
fender a metal guard over the wheel of a truck, car, or bicycle.
foundation the basis of something such as an action, substance, structure, or opinion.
grove a small group of trees.
lash1 a whip or the striking part of a whip.
orphan a child whose parents have died.
predicament a difficult or dangerous situation with a solution that may be hard to find.
rigid difficult or impossible to bend; stiff.
shriek a loud shrill cry of fear, joy, or surprise.
squall a sudden, powerful wind that moves in suddenly. Squalls usually bring rain, snow, or sleet.