Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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complement to go well with, complete, or perfect.
cuisine a particular type of cooking, especially that of a particular region, or the food in general that is prepared in this way.
discourse verbal communication; conversation.
dissuade to urge or convince not to do something.
diverge to extend or move away in different directions from a common point.
fodder feed for farm animals, such as stalks of corn cut and mixed with hay.
gainsay to deny or contradict.
harmonious characterized by agreement or accord.
mystical spiritually powerful, significant, or symbolic.
palatable acceptable or pleasing to the sense of taste.
prologue an introduction to a spoken or written work such as a speech or play; preface.
ravenous very hungry; starved.
revile to speak about or speak to with hostile insults; disparage or abuse.
unconscionable not restrained or guided by a concern for what is right and just; unprincipled.
utilitarian of, concerning, or aiming at usefulness.