Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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argument a discussion by people who disagree.
boundary something that marks the edge or limit.
convenient easily used for someone's needs, purposes, or comfort; useful.
develop to bring out the potential of; advance to a more complete or more effective condition.
everyday happening daily; routine.
express to make known (ideas, thoughts, or feelings).
halo a circle of light shining around the head of a god, an angel, or a saint in a picture.
heed to give one's attention to; listen to; take notice of.
issue to make, give out, or publish.
politician a person who holds a government office.
purpose a reason or plan that guides an action; design or goal.
stunt1 to stop or slow the growth of.
tariff a government tax on goods that come into a country; duty.
vaccine a substance used to protect people and animals from very serious diseases. Vaccines contain germs of a particular disease--these germs been killed or changed in a certain way in a laboratory to make them safe. A vaccine goes into a person's body in a shot that is given by a doctor or nurse. After a vaccine is put into a person's body, that person will not get that disease or will get only a mild case.
whittle to cut small bits or thin layers from, or to trim or shape by so doing.