Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affinity a strong sense of liking; a natural attraction or sympathy.
ameliorate to make better; improve.
comely pleasing in appearance.
exchangeable capable of being interchanged with or given in return for another.
feign to pretend or fake; put on a false show of.
franchise a right or privilege conferred by a government, especially the right to vote or the rights and powers of incorporation.
gargantuan (sometimes capitalized) of enormous proportions; huge; gigantic.
hew to follow or obey strictly.
implicit implied rather than directly stated.
macabre of, pertaining to, depicting, or evoking death or the horrors of death; gruesome; ghastly.
prospectus a written description or summary of a proposed project.
ratify to approve in an official way; confirm.
ruddy reddish; rosy.
tirade a long, forceful, or angry speech, often critical or denunciatory in nature; harangue.
trove a collection of valuable or desirable things.