Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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backfire to have results that are the opposite of what one wanted.
fraternal of, related to, or like a brother or brothers.
insular closed to new ideas; narrow-minded.
mausoleum a large, elaborate tomb, or the structure that houses such a tomb.
mediocre of average to poor quality; ordinary.
preeminent surpassing others in importance and prominence; foremost.
retinue a group of attendants or other employees who accompany a prominent person.
stockpile a supply of items accumulated and maintained for future use.
stratum a level in a social hierarchy.
vicissitude (usually plural) unexpected and unforeseeable changes or shifts, as in one's circumstances.
vindicate to free from an accusation, suspicion, or doubt by indisputable proof.
virile having the qualities of a man; characteristically masculine.
visceral stemming from instinct or intuition rather than the intellect.
volition the act of willing, deciding, or choosing.
zealot a person who is excessively and often intolerantly enthusiastic, especially about a cause or religious faith; fanatic.