Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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beach the land at the edge of a lake, ocean, or other body of water. A beach is often formed of sand or small stones.
crack a break in something.
drug a substance that causes a change in the body and mind.
eager wanting very much.
evening the period between late afternoon and night; the early part of the night.
happiness the feeling of having joy or being glad.
heavy having much weight.
important having great meaning or value.
lonely unhappy because alone; lonesome.
material anything used for building or making new things. Wood, metal, paint, and paper are examples of materials.
present1 the period of time between the past and future.
silk a fine, soft, shiny fiber produced by certain insects.
slide to move easily along a smooth surface.
student a person who goes to a school or college.
teach to show (someone) how to do something or to help (someone) learn something.