Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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awake to rouse from sleep.
bald having little or no hair on the head.
border the outer part; edge.
frozen changed into a solid or made hard by freezing.
helpful doing useful things for a person or group; giving aid.
horrible causing a feeling of fear or horror.
nervous feeling worry or fear about a particular thing or things.
pole a long, round post or stick made of metal, wood, or some other material.
rip to cut open, off, or apart with force; tear.
ski to glide over snow wearing a pair of long, narrow, smooth runners attached to boots.
soldier a person who serves in the army and who is not an officer.
squad a small number of persons trained to work together.
stable1 firm or steady; not likely to move.
student a person who goes to a school or college.
walk to move your body by taking steps.