Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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coal a hard black or dark brown substance that is found in the earth. People burn coal for heat and energy.
crystal a solid substance that has a repeating pattern of flat surfaces.
giant an imaginary being who looks like a person but has enormous size and strength.
leave1 to go away from a place.
merry cheerful and happy.
mix to put different things together so that the parts become one.
monster a large, frightening creature that is not real.
move to change position or place.
rag a small piece of cloth that is usually used for cleaning. A rag is often torn from a larger piece of cloth that is no longer in good condition.
season one of the four parts of the year, the seasons are spring, summer, fall (autumn), and winter.
shy quiet and not comfortable with other people.
step each single movement of your foot as you walk.
tonight the present night or the night that is coming on this day.
unlock to open the lock of something.
voice the sound that comes from your mouth when you speak or sing.