Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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cogent convincing, or compelling by virtue of a strong argument or clear presentation.
condolence sympathy with a grieving or suffering person.
degenerate to decline from an original or former condition; change for the worse in nature or quality; deteriorate.
energize to inspire, make active, or enliven.
equivocate to express oneself ambiguously, often to avoid giving a direct answer or to deceive.
laggard someone or something that falls behind the pace of others.
levity a lack of seriousness; light, humorous, or foolish behavior or attitude.
lummox (informal) someone who is especially clumsy, slow, and unintelligent.
palpitate of the heart, to pulsate rapidly; flutter; quiver.
penurious extremely needy or poor; poverty-stricken.
query a question.
rectitude moral or ethical propriety; uprightness.
rile to make angry; irritate or annoy.
stark in all respects; total; extreme.
tertiary third in order, rank, importance, degree, or the like.