Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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allegedly according to what has been claimed although not proven.
bliss very great happiness.
decisive able to make firm decisions or end arguments.
defect a weakness, flaw, or bad quality.
dwell to think, write, or speak about over and over again for a long time (often followed by "on" or "upon").
enthusiastic having or showing great interest.
frank1 honest, direct, and open.
mechanism the working or moving part or process that causes a result.
outlook what may come in the future.
procrastinate to put off doing something; delay.
refine to make pure or fine.
resignation the act of giving up a job or other position, or a formal letter announcing this.
sanitary free from things that can cause infection; clean; sterile.
spectator one that watches or observes.
widespread happening or scattered over a large area.