Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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department a separate part of a large organization, such as a government, school, or business.
diplomat a person whose job is to handle relations with the governments of other countries.
errand a quick trip taken for a particular purpose.
glee a feeling of delight or joy.
imaginary existing only in the mind.
incident something that happens; a single event.
individual a single human being; person.
plug an object made of cork, rubber, or other material used to block an opening.
pronounce to make the sound of or express with the voice in a specific way.
regret to feel sorry or guilty for.
slop to cause to spill or splash.
sneer a look on the face that expresses scorn or lack of respect.
successful having reached a wanted goal.
treasure money or valuable items that have been collected or stored up.
wee very small or tiny.