Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bloodshot red and irritated because of enlarged blood vessels.
cemetery a place where the dead are buried; graveyard.
costly having a high price or value.
disability something that makes a person unable to do certain things that most people can do.
disabled unable to do certain things because of a medical condition or an accident.
erosion wearing away of the earth's surface by wind or water.
fender a metal guard over the wheel of a truck, car, or bicycle.
fitness physical condition, especially the condition of one's muscles and heart.
frequent happening often or repeated often.
glisten to shine or sparkle with reflected light.
install to put into position and make ready for use.
lifestyle the general way of life of a person or group, including typical jobs and activities, attitudes towards work and money, values, and the like.
merriment lighthearted and happy enjoyment, especially in the company of others; gaiety; mirth.
rotary turning or able to turn on an axis.
tread to step or walk on, in, or along.