Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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avow to assert or affirm.
belabor to continue excessive efforts on or excessive discussion of.
blandishment (often plural) flattering or coaxing remarks or stratagems intended to persuade.
boudoir a woman's private sitting room or bedroom.
brash rudely self-assertive; bold; impudent.
dissimulate to hide one's true feelings, intentions, or the like by pretense or hypocrisy.
foment to encourage the development of; instigate or foster.
garble to mix up, distort, or confuse (a message, translation, or the like); cause to be disordered or unintelligible.
indistinct not clearly perceived or perceiving.
lanugo fine, soft hair, especially that with which a human fetus or newborn is covered.
ostentation a showy display to impress others.
parsimonious excessively frugal; stingy.
purvey to supply or provide (especially food, drink, or other provisions).
reprobate an evil or lawless person, often beyond hope of redemption.
sere1 dried up or withered.