Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bulk a large size or mass.
coupon a small, printed slip of paper that gives someone a discount, admission to a performance, or a chance to win a prize.
custom a way of acting that is usual or accepted for a person or a social group.
director a person who guides the affairs of a business or other organization.
downtown of or located in the lower part or the business area of a city.
drama a story written so that it can be acted out for an audience; play.
exclaim to speak suddenly and with strong feeling.
focus to direct one's attention or efforts towards one thing; concentrate.
foundation the basis of something such as an action, substance, structure, or opinion.
humid having a high amount of water vapor; damp; moist.
organic produced or producing naturally, without using pesticides or other added chemicals.
rage to act or talk violently or with intense anger.
roughly approximately; about.
sauce a liquid dressing or topping served with food.
tile a flat or shaped piece of baked clay or other hard material, used to cover floors, walls, or roofs.