Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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alluvium sand, soil, gravel, or the like deposited by moving water, as along a river bed.
atonement the act of making reparation for a sin, crime, error, or the like.
belie to give a false impression of.
conjoin to combine for a common purpose.
consternation surprise and alarm, leading to panic, deep disappointment, or total confusion.
dilatory used to cause a delay.
discountenance to embarrass or disconcert.
expiation the act or the means of making amends, as for a sin or crime.
germane having relevance to a given matter; pertinent; significant.
humanism a doctrine or mode of thought that gives highest importance to human dignity, values, potentials, and achievements.
imprimatur any official permission or sanction.
oblique not direct or straightforward in intent, means, or achievement; indirect or devious.
penumbra an indefinite, borderline area.
reprise repetition of a musical phrase or theme in an identical or slightly altered way.
spurn to reject, refuse, or treat with scorn; disdain; despise.