Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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classification the act of putting or ordering things into groups of similar things.
comfort to give relief from a painful or difficult situation; soothe.
conscious awake; able to feel, think, hear, and see.
deceive to cause to believe something that is not true; trick or fool.
disability something that makes a person unable to do certain things that most people can do.
exceptional different, unusual, or out of the ordinary.
internet the world's largest computer network, which is made of millions of computers that are linked together. Some parts of the internet are the World Wide Web, electronic mail, and chat rooms.
medal a flat, small piece of metal that has a design or words stamped on it, used as an honor or reward.
negotiation (often plural) discussions meant to help people agree on something.
popularity the condition of being liked or approved of by many people.
realm a royal kingdom.
reproduce to make a copy of.
solution the act or process of solving a problem or question.
spur a metal piece with a spike that is attached to the heel of a rider's boot. Spurs are used to make a horse go forward.
tourism the act of traveling, usually for sightseeing or relaxing.