Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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ace a person who is a master or expert at something.
astonish to fill with great surprise or amazement.
bomb a metal shell filled with explosives. A bomb destroys a target by being thrown at or dropped on it.
conservation the act of keeping and protecting from waste, loss, or destruction.
deaf not able to hear, or not able to hear well.
debt something owed to another person.
disrespect rudeness; contempt.
exception the act or fact of leaving out.
factory a building or set of buildings where products are made by machines.
feedback the giving back of opinions, corrections, or other comments from people who have been presented with something like a product, process, or event.
loyal showing devotion and faithfulness to someone or something.
mechanical made of or having to do with machines.
submit to offer to another to look at.
thoughtful having or showing careful thought.
unravel to undo; reduce from cloth to threads; cause to come apart.