Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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affair an event, matter, or happening.
basis something that supports and is needed by all the other parts; starting point or foundation.
blunt having a dull edge or point; not sharp.
competitive having a strong desire to win or do better than others in almost every situation.
conference a meeting to discuss a particular matter.
couple two things of the same kind or that go together in some way.
discussion the act or an instance of talking or writing about something.
dissatisfaction the state or condition of not being content or happy with something, or the cause of this condition.
fraction a part or very small part of a whole.
hatred a feeling of very strong dislike.
ooze to leak out slowly. Liquids, gases, and sounds may ooze.
research careful study of something in order to find out information about it.
secretary a person who writes letters, keeps records straight, and manages mail. A secretary might work for another person or for a business.
suffer to feel pain or misfortune.
update to provide (someone) with new or current information.