Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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activity a specific thing that people do.
chalk a type of soft, white stone. Chalk is made into long thin shapes used for writing or drawing.
enter to come or go in.
exact having no mistakes; correct.
hillside the side of a hill.
hunt to search for and try to kill (animals) for food or sport.
joy a strong feeling of being happy.
liar a person who tells lies instead of the truth.
pitch1 the throw of a baseball by the pitcher toward the batter, who tries to hit it.
pool any small still area of liquid that has collected on something.
quit to stop doing something.
safety the condition of being safe from danger.
splinter a small, sharp piece of material that is broken off from a larger piece.
threaten to say that you will harm or punish some person or group if something that you demand is not done.
young in an early part of life or growth.