Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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baffle to confuse; puzzle.
carrier a person who brings or bears something.
cocoon a covering made by young insects and some other arthropods to protect themselves while they change from a pupa into an adult. Some spiders make cocoons to hide their eggs.
congress (capitalized) the branch of the U.S. government that is elected to make laws. Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
foreigner a person who is born in or is from a different country.
lousy (informal) nasty or mean.
original first; earliest.
production the act or process of making or manufacturing.
recline to lie down in a comfortable position.
seize to take hold of in a quick, forceful way; grab.
select preferred over others.
spiral curving or circling around a fixed point but moving farther away or nearer to it.
timid not bold or confident with other people; shy.
trespass an act of entering the property of another without permission, which is against the law.
undertow a strong current of ocean water moving in the opposite direction from the waves moving toward shore.