Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aloft high above the ground.
avuncular of, concerning, or like an uncle; kind; benevolent.
bedizen to dress or decorate in a flashy, garish fashion.
bland without interest, spirit, or excitement; dull; indifferent.
charlatan one who deceitfully claims to possess a particular skill or expertise; fraud; quack.
flagrant exceptionally or glaringly noticeable.
hallow to respect or honor highly; venerate.
juxtapose to bring together for the purpose of side-by-side comparison or contrast.
particularity precise or detailed character.
penurious extremely needy or poor; poverty-stricken.
postulate to assert as something true, especially as a basis for reasoning.
pseudonym a false name adopted by someone, especially an author, to conceal his or her identity; pen name.
retention the act or process of maintaining the possession or use of.
sinewy of sinew, or sinewlike; strong; tough.
solicitous anxiously or tenderly concerned or attentive (usually followed by about, of, or for.)