Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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alimony money that a court orders one member of a divorced couple to pay to the other.
antecedent an event, circumstance, or thing coming before another.
carnage the mass killing of people; slaughter.
chasten to awaken conscience or bring about moral improvement through suffering, discipline, or punishment.
disparate essentially different and distinct.
disproportionate having too much of one thing in relation to something else; unbalanced.
fervent having or expressing warmth, depth, or intensity of feeling.
gender the sex of a person or animal.
hedonist one who believes that pleasure-seeking should be the primary goal of humans.
ideology the body of beliefs, symbols, and political and social aims that characterizes a particular group or institution.
imitative of, involving, or characterized by reproduction or copying; not original.
infernal of or pertaining to hell or the world of the dead.
marquee a canopy or a covering like a roof over the entrance to a building. The marquee over a theater shows the title of the current play or film and sometimes the names of the actors.
motley made up of a contrasting variety of types, appearances, or the like; very heterogeneous.
realign to come to a new relationship or set of alliances, as countries or political factions.