Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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anathema something or someone despised or cursed.
aural2 of or relating to the ear or hearing.
empirical based on or verifiable by experience or experiment, rather than on or by theory.
flail to cause to move wildly.
folio a large sheet of paper that has been folded once to form two leaves or four pages of a book or manuscript.
intemperance lack of restraint in the indulgence of an appetite, especially the consumption of alcohol.
intemperate lacking moderation or restraint; excessive, overindulgent, violent, or the like.
ossify to become inflexible or rigid, as in thought or behavior.
probity proven trustworthiness; honesty; integrity.
quota the part or share of something that is due to a person or group.
spendthrift one who is extravagant or wasteful with money; squanderer.
surveillance a close watch or observation, especially of a person or group of people under suspicion.
tortuous changing direction frequently; twisting, winding, or crooked, as a path.
unyielding hard; firm; resistant to pressure or force.
whimsical characterized by or resulting from a sudden desire or fancy.