Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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agree to have the same opinion or feel the same way.
breeze a light or gentle wind.
cost the amount of money charged or paid for something.
cushion a pillow or pad that one sits on or leans on for comfort. Some cushions are used for decoration.
dough a thick mixture of flour and a liquid such as water or milk. You make bread, cookies, and other things to eat out of dough.
emergency a sudden dangerous situation that requires immediate action or help.
scientist a person who works in or studies a science.
shield a large, flat piece of strong material carried on the arm for protection.
split a division between two or more people.
stain a spot or colored mark.
stamp to push down against a surface with a hard fast motion.
tail a part of an animal's body that sticks out from the back end.
town an area with streets, houses, and buildings that is similar to a city but usually smaller.
twin either of two children or animals born at the same time to one mother.
wing a part of the body of some animals that they use for flying. Insects and birds have wings.