Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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administration the people in charge of taking care of or managing something as a group.
camouflage a way of hiding something by covering or coloring it so that it looks like its surroundings. The military uses camouflage to hide people, buildings, or vehicles from the enemy.
continuous going on without pausing or stopping; not broken.
courteous being polite or showing good manners.
fathom to get to the bottom of or understand completely.
finance to provide money for.
fortress a large, fortified building or area, often around a town or settlement.
fracture a break or crack.
momentum strength of movement.
moreover beyond what has already been said; in addition; also.
offset to make up for or balance.
promote to support the growth of or help move forward.
severity strictness; harshness.
unearth to find or reveal by searching.
vortex a whirling mass of fluid, air, or the like, such as a whirlpool, that generates a vacuum in the center toward which things are drawn.