Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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belated too late; tardy.
convulsion a violent, involuntary contraction of the muscles.
loner one who stays by himself or herself much of the time, especially by choice or inclination.
magnanimity generosity or willingness to forgive.
marauder one who raids or invades in order to plunder.
perverse stubbornly opposed to what is expected or requested of one, or marked by or inclined toward such an attitude.
pictorial pertaining to, made of, or containing drawings, paintings, or photographs.
postulate to assert as something true, especially as a basis for reasoning.
reinstate to put back into a former position, condition, or state of effectiveness.
seamy disreputable; sordid.
solstice either of the two times in the year when the sun is furthest from the celestial equator, occurring in June and December.
spar2 to make boxing movements without hitting hard, as for practice or in fun.
spat1 a short, slight quarrel.
surveillance a close watch or observation, especially of a person or group of people under suspicion.
synthesis the combining of discrete elements into a unified compound or entity, or the unified whole formed by such a combining.