Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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counterpoint a method of composing or arranging music in which diverse but harmonious melodies are played at the same time.
discontinuous interrupted or intermittent; not without pause or break.
foray a quick raid or sudden advance, usually military and often to take forage or plunder.
formidable exceptionally difficult; daunting.
hiatus a gap or break in activity, time, or space; interruption.
levity a lack of seriousness; light, humorous, or foolish behavior or attitude.
memoir an account of facts or events based primarily on the author's personal experience.
particularity precise or detailed character.
potency the condition of being strong in effect or powerful.
prevalent generally accepted; pervasive; widespread.
scourge someone or something that inflicts punishment or causes suffering or destruction.
superimpose to set or lay on top of or above something.
surreptitious made, performed, or achieved by stealth or in secret.
urbane refined in manner; polished; elegant.
winnow to sift through, or separate out the desired or worthwhile from the undesired or worthless part of, as by critical analysis.