Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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agility the ability to move or think easily and quickly.
albeit notwithstanding; even though.
arbitration the consideration and decision of an issue or dispute by someone who has the official authority to decide such matters.
callous not having kindness; not sensitive; having a hard heart.
catharsis in psychotherapy, the bringing of repressed thoughts and feelings to consciousness in order to release emotional tension, or the release itself.
chastise to punish, often corporally.
docile obedient and easy to manage.
encroachment the act of exceeding proper or intended limits, as of territory or property.
extrapolate to make an estimate or inference of (future probability or the like) on the basis of what is already known or has already occurred.
gingerly in a careful or cautious manner; warily.
imbibe to take up or consume by drinking.
mores the behaviors and manners accepted and expected in a social group, embodying its fundamental moral standards.
plethora an amount that is more than enough; overabundance.
restitution the payment of money in order to compensate for damage, loss, or injury.
sumptuous large, lavish, or splendid, especially when created at great cost.