Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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aid to give help to someone.
blanket a large piece of thick material used to keep oneself warm. Blankets are often made of wool.
corner the place where two roads meet.
during all through a certain period of time.
fill to cause to become full; put as much as possible into.
hide to put or keep away from view.
misery a condition in which one is very unhappy or suffers very much.
music pleasant sounds made by voices or instruments.
pack a container for carrying things on the back.
photograph a picture made by using a camera that records an image.
platform a raised, level surface used as a place to work, perform, or speak to an audience.
print to put words and pictures onto a surface using a machine.
remember to bring into your mind from your memory.
rinse to wash off with water.
snug small and comfortable; cozy.