Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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captivate to charm or fascinate, as by beauty or wit; enthrall.
conclusive serving to reach a final answer or decision, or to settle.
connotation a secondary meaning or implication of a word or expression, in addition to its primary meaning.
delude to cause to hold a false belief; mislead; deceive.
deviate to turn away from a direct course or one that has already been set.
gallantry admirable courage.
hew to follow or obey strictly.
neutrality the foreign policy of a nation that refuses to take sides in an international dispute.
omnivorous living on a diet of both plant and animal food.
servile very submissive to another's authority; slavish.
sublime exalted or noble; lofty.
tumultuous full of noise, commotion, or disorder; riotous.
ultimatum a final statement of demands, especially when issued with a threat of action if rejected, as in a diplomatic discussion.
voluptuous full of or characterized by sensual pleasures.
wizened shriveled or dried up.