Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adjunct attached or connected but not fully integrated; supplementary; subordinate.
artifact any object made by human beings, especially one of an earlier era.
contaminate to make dirty, polluted, or not usable by touching or by adding something to.
deft skillful, quick, and clever in action.
ecstatic in a condition of extreme delight, overpowering emotion, or religious trance; enraptured.
exclusive keeping out all others.
forecast a guess or estimate about something that will happen in the future.
memorable easily remembered; distinct or exceptional.
minority a group of people in a country who make up a smaller part of the whole population and have something in common, such as their family backgrounds or their religion, that is different from the larger population.
mourn to feel or act very sad because of a death or great loss; grieve.
passionate having or showing strong emotions.
phenomenon a happening or fact that can be seen or known through the senses.
prosperity the state of being wealthy and successful.
remnant a quantity, piece, or part that is left over or remains.
threshold the point when something starts to happen.