Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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anarchist a person who believes in, desires, or tries to realize a society or state without a government.
breach an act of breaking a law or promise.
comparative measured or estimated by comparison; relative.
conciliate to overcome the anger, distrust, or animosity of; appease; placate.
convergent tending to move toward a common point or intersection.
deducible able to be concluded or inferred from certain facts or principles.
digress to stray from the main topic; ramble.
enigma something puzzling, contradictory, or mysterious; something for which a solution cannot be found.
inverse opposite or reversed in position, order, direction, nature, or effect.
placate to calm down and make less angry, especially by appeasement; conciliate; pacify.
reconcile to heal differences and restore a good relationship between.
regression the act or condition of return to an earlier form or less advanced state; biological or psychological reversion.
serenity the condition or quality of being untroubled, peaceful, or tranquil.
sinewy of sinew, or sinewlike; strong; tough.
underrate to value or appreciate insufficiently; underestimate.